Apply These 5 Secret Techniques To Improve Amazon Sales
Allow me to tell you a little secret that I learnt as a leading seller on Amazon based in India. The secret is that the quantity and quality of sales is directly proportionate to the quality of your Amazon catalogue listing and your Amazon product listing.
Until the day I hired the Best Amazon consultant, I was under the impression that my Amazon catalogue listing and my Amazon product listing were perfect. During the negotiations, the Amazon consultant pointed out to not one or two but 38 serious mistakes in my Amazon catalogue listing and my Amazon product listing. I realized that despite the powerful engine of quality products, my Amazon seller boat had not one but 38 holes in it through which, sales were seeping away.
I hired the best Amazon consultant and by end of the month, all the errors were rectified and my sales jumped proving that I was on the right path.
One of the most common mistakes I was making was to copy-paste product descriptions and then change the product title and photos. Often, I would forget to change something and the product descriptions or the bulleted product features or photos were mismatched. Consequently, the mismatch between the product title and the descriptions or photos resulted in lack of sale for that particular product.
If some customer did buy the product, more often than not, it resulted in bad reviews. Confused prospective customers would often raise questions. Again, due to lack of time I failed to answer their questions. The questions were then either not answered or answered by previous buyers who urged the prospective customers to not buy my product (because the product did not match the description). So, a simple error on the seller’s part can lead to loss of sales. The more the products you have, the more the time required to ensure perfection.
Amazon and its partners, the banks have lots of offers for the sellers to opt-in. Again, these require careful analysis on the part of the seller which means, you need time. If you have just 50 items for sale, your entire day goes in keeping track of them. If you have 100 or more items then you are lost. There is no way to ensure accuracy and quality of your Amazon catalogue listing and your Amazon product listing.
Further, how many sellers even know what is FBA Listing Optimization or how to create Amazon custom listing? Until I hired the Amazon consultant, I wasn’t even aware of several very good facilities that Amazon had. Of course, Amazon would from time to time send me emails but who had the time to read them?
Failing to make use of these facilities further reduced my chances to increase sales. So, trust me, if you are selling more than 50 products on Amazon, go hire an Amazon consultant — you will find them well worth the price especially when your revenue increases by 150 or 200% The quality of the product reviews you receive will also change.